my week!

Friday, February 10, 2012

My very exciting week!

  • Saturday - It snowed a bit. I was hoping for more snow so I could take some photos. I had a lazy day. This week is my week off uni, so I wanted to make the most of it.
  • Sunday - It snowed! Yay! So excited! Took some photographs in the snow and messed around with my brother and nephew. Which meant I got soaking wet!
  • Monday - I put together a little note book, for all things blog! I finally got to try a peanut butter kit kat! Yummy.
  • Tuesday - Been really ill, which is rubbish. Really disheartening not being able to do the things I want to! But I launched independent tuesdays! on here.
  • Wednesday - Spent the day sorting myself out for my birthday. Painting my nails. I put butterfly nail art stickers on. But everyone thinks they look like bats! Thanks Mama Swan!
  • Thursday - My Birthday! And one of the most amazing day's of life. Me and the lovely Mr Swan got engaged. It wasn't really that planned. Rather spontaneous. We looked round a vintage shop to see if there were any nice rings and one caught my eye. But I decided to try some others, none of them fit. I was ready to give up, but then I tried on the one I saw originally. And tried it on! It was perfect. We then went to a quiet little cafe and came out engaged! Eeeeek!
  • Friday - Relaxing, taking it all the emotion in. Looking through my new Tim Walker book (I LOVE HIS WORK) and watching new DVD's.
I have had an amazing week!

P.S If you want to be a part of independent tuesdays! get in touch!!!

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