dress - outfit, denim shirt, bag - charity shop, belt - free on jeans, shoes - shoe zone
Total Outfit Price: £15.09
I am making the most of the weather, it's supposed to turn horrible and rainy by the end of the week!
I think I may be obsessed by dresses and denim at the moment it's such a perfect combination for summer. I want to buy a fitted denim jacket and a denim gilet as well. Hurry up discount card!
My bag was a perfect find at the charity shop my mum volunteers in! I don't think you can argue at 50p do you?
I have been sent a pair of butterfly twist shoes, which are the ones you can fold up and put in your handbag. I'm assuming I entered a competition for them, they arrived this morning and in my size, but there was no cover letter? Weird huh? Not that I am complaining they are a great little shoe for walking round the house in!
Hope you've been enjoying the weather!
P.S If you have a moment I'd be ever so grateful if you could nominate littlepaperswans for the newcomer award at the Cosmo Blog Awards! I know I don't stand much of a chance but it only takes a second!
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