top, skirt - h&m, tights - primark, belt - littlewoods, shoes (not seen) - notting hill
Total Outfit Price: £16.00
Taking these photographs was really difficult. Dealing with the wind, my hair and trying not to expose myself was tricky! But I got there in the end.
I am meeting my friend tomorrow, for a day of exploring, picture taking and getting really hyper. She really supports me with my blog so it will be amazing to have a good catch up!
Hopefully the weather will be nice tomorrow so I can wear the summer dresses I brought a couple of months ago. Hmmm, what are the chances of that?
It would be amazing if you could vote for me in the Cosmo Blog Awards. I know I don't stand much of a chance but oh well! I'd be over the moon if you could give me a vote!