I love Kukee!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Spike necklace: £2.50
Heart and rabbit necklace: £0.80
Binocular necklace: £2.00
Lips ring: £0.50
Moustache ring: £1.00
Cross ring: £2.00*
Bow double ring: £1.00
Moustache ring: £0.80

Let me let you into a little secret and that is the wonderful online boutique Kukee. They offer up to date jewellery for bargain prices and after searching the website every night, Monday night I finally decided that I should order some things and all of this items above and the postage came to just over £10! Can you believe that!

Best of all it came within a couple of days. No I lie the best thing was the cross ring that was included as a free gift! I love it so much! I shot these photographs yesterday (note the lovely weather, today's weather is awful!) and I had such fun dressing up in the jewellery. I will be ordering again from Kukee and I suggest you should all check it out!

Next order I really want have to have these:

Will you be ordering anything?

P.S A big hello to all my new followers and a big thank you to those of you have stuck with me with my blog, I love you all!
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