Today's the day is you hadn't already guessed by my mass tweets, that Dolly Peg launches! I am so excited and I can't wait for your reactions to our collection!
I thought I'd let you know a bit about why we decided to launch Dolly Peg. Dolly Peg was a idea thought up by my mum and I. We both share a passion for fashion and jewellery and my mum said lets do it lets set up an online shop!
We scoured through hundreds of products to find the ones we really loved.
"Dolly Peg is a British online boutique selling affordable and up to date jewellery. Each product in the collection has been handpicked and if we don't love it we won't stock it."
The products are our first run and if you guys buy we will select some new pieces for the collection!
And as this is coming from a budget fashion blogger and my mum, the ultimate budget fashion collector, all the products are priced from £2 - £5. You can't argue at that value!
So I hope you like the products and visit Dolly Peg now!
We'd really appreciate your support!
P.S A massive thank you to the bloggers that have featured Dolly Peg on their blog already! We love the posts. If you want to feature Dolly Peg on your blog get in touch via