So I have been super quiet on here for a while and most of you will know why. I am moving house! Taking the big leap and becoming a grown up. I have never moved before. I've lived at home for all of my life and I am a bit of a hoarder which means I have thousands of things to sort through, tidy and organise. I hate sorting out things. Cleaning I don't mind, but trying to organise all my clutter is not fun at all. So that's where I've been. Sorting 20 years of clutter out. I am trying to be ruthless which is hard. Really hard. I need therapy for my hoarding I think!
I have also been working a lot more. When I finished uni, people said to me "oh you'll have loads of spare time". Ha, fat chance. However it's been great. Although I moan, I enjoy being busy. I am a hard worker
and sitting down doing nothing is not for me.
So here's just an update to let you know that I am still here but until I've packed and moved in (which could be this week, queue panic) things will be a little bit quiet.
I promise as soon as we are moved in there will be blog posts galore. Thanks for sticking by me!