Edible gifts: Chocolate Peppermint Bark

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

So it's time to start the Christmas posts and every week (at least) up until Christmas I'm going to bring you a recipe. Most of them will perfect as gifts but I'll do some other bakes too. I'm also planning on a few craft DIY posts. So put on the Christmas music and be prepared this year.

The first recipe is probably the easiest. You can't go wrong. With only three ingredients. I am not a massive fan of mint chocolate but my extended family are so this won't hang around long. Although there is nothing stopping you from using another type of essence. Next we want to try an orange essence.

300g dark chocolate
3tbsp demerara sugar
1/2 tsp of peppermint essence 

Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl. 

Line a large baking tray with baking parchment.

 Mix together the sugar with the peppermint essence. 

When the chocolate has melted, cool for 1 min, mix with the sugar, then pour into the tray. 

Spread to a very thin layer and  leave to set until completely firm

Cut into small squares or any shape you like. 

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