A few weeks ago the lovely people at Witch sent me a parcel. I get very excited as it's usually new products to test out. I opened it and was a little dissapointed, not by the products but because they weren't for me! Witch are releasing a new range just for men. So I found a man, he just happens to hang around, and he got testing.
Now he's not a very beauty/skincare conscious guy at all. After years of being told by me he has only just started to use moisturiser after the guy at the barbers told him. As it's Movember Dion has been shaving his beard a lot to show of his new mo'. Which has left his skin raw. Him and shaving do not get on! So he needed something that would soothe his skin. Step up the Witch soothing after shave gel.
Dion isn't great with words so I've paraphrased his review!
The gel soothes my skin and reduces the redness I get after shaving. It leaves your skin feeling smooth and stops the stinging of shaving. I would recommend it to anyone.
If you would like to donate to Dion's Movember page you can do that here. He would really grateful and even the smallest donation would be great.