It is that time of year when you’re expected to socialise with everyone you work with and not make a fool of yourself. It is not so easily done, especially when alcohol is involved. Thankfully I’m not a big drinker and I haven’t embarrassed myself too often.
However I can remember back to when I was 18, I had a little bit too much to drink at the Mr’s birthday party. I could not remember anything from that night other than climbing into my bed throwing up over my bed sheets and the book of P.S I love you that was by the side of my bed. I think this has put me off since. I have quite a big phobia of being sick and that awful feeling has never left me. So unless you want to wake up next to a big pile of sick and then have to deal with the photos of you climbing on tables and acting like an idiot, it’s time to rethink the Christmas party drink.
Step up J2o Glitterberry. A drink with edible glitter in it. Does it get any better? I am a bit of an addict when it comes to fruit drinks anyway but the glitter is the cherry on top! J2o have created the perfect party drink, they have added a bit of spice to make things feel even more Christmassey.
J2o have employed Harry the party pug, how cute is he, to help people out. No more looking like a “muppet”. Follow his advice and you will sparkle this party season.
Remember rule number one. Don’t bomb, sparkle.

However I can remember back to when I was 18, I had a little bit too much to drink at the Mr’s birthday party. I could not remember anything from that night other than climbing into my bed throwing up over my bed sheets and the book of P.S I love you that was by the side of my bed. I think this has put me off since. I have quite a big phobia of being sick and that awful feeling has never left me. So unless you want to wake up next to a big pile of sick and then have to deal with the photos of you climbing on tables and acting like an idiot, it’s time to rethink the Christmas party drink.
Step up J2o Glitterberry. A drink with edible glitter in it. Does it get any better? I am a bit of an addict when it comes to fruit drinks anyway but the glitter is the cherry on top! J2o have created the perfect party drink, they have added a bit of spice to make things feel even more Christmassey.
J2o have employed Harry the party pug, how cute is he, to help people out. No more looking like a “muppet”. Follow his advice and you will sparkle this party season.
Remember rule number one. Don’t bomb, sparkle.
*This post has been sponsored by J2O, but all thoughts are my own*