I'm not going to write a post about how awful 2013 was. There were highs and many lows but that's in the past. So no more dwelling and onto 2014.
It's the time of year when we all make resolutions. Usually a promise we can never keep. They always seem to be the same. Lose weight, give up smoking/drinking etc. But why not make realistic resolutions. New Year wishes if you like. I have a few and I thought I would share them with you along with a few of my photographs from 2013.
It's the time of year when we all make resolutions. Usually a promise we can never keep. They always seem to be the same. Lose weight, give up smoking/drinking etc. But why not make realistic resolutions. New Year wishes if you like. I have a few and I thought I would share them with you along with a few of my photographs from 2013.
Stay organised.
This past month, other than over Christmas, I have posted
every other day. I’ve organised posts and planned things sometimes weeks in
advance. Anyone who knows me well will tell you how much I love to write lists
and organise things, even other people. But I love the feeling of having things
planned. So planning my blog seemed like a great idea and I have really loved
posting every other day. So hopefully my wish is to keep this up.
Positive thinking.
I am the worst for this. I’ve always been a worrier,
stressing and worrying over everything. But the last quarter of last year has
taught me that there are so many things beyond control and that worrying or not
isn’t going to affect the outcome. So why not enjoy every minute. Look for the
positives. Sitting around depressed isn’t going to help anyone. Being happy in
everything I do is my wish.
This ties in with the one above. I would like to relax more.
I’ve decided that this means yoga or pilates a few times a week. There’s so
many great Youtube videos that there is really no excuse. I think I might have
been a cat in a former life because I love a good stretch.
With everyone having busy work schedules socialising with my
family is difficult. I’d like to hold more get-togethers. Sharing food and conversation. Family is so important to me and with a few new arrivals expected
soon being close is going to be great.
Change the words above to friends. But add in seeing them
more. Life gets in the way too much.
I want to make the most of my days off work. Exploring little towns and villages. You never know what you're going to find. I'd like to take more walks, I always feel like I need an excuse but why can't I just go out for a walk.
Photography & Blogging
I want to keep improving my photography. I always look at
other photographs and blogs and want for my photographs to be as good. I want
to stay on top of this blog. I’ve come to realise it’s my creative space and I
couldn’t function without it, when I'm not blogging I'm taking photographs, when I'm not taking photographs I'm planning the next weeks posts, safe to say I'm a little addicted. I would love for blogging to become a full time
thing, but one step at a time hey?
Online shop/ Vintage shop
Eventually and hopefully some point this year I want to launch an online shop full of pretty homeware, vintage clothes and jewellery. It's something I've wanted to do for so long and there's no time like the present hey? I've started planning things and hopefully in the very near future you can shop Little Paper Swans too!
Online shop/ Vintage shop
Eventually and hopefully some point this year I want to launch an online shop full of pretty homeware, vintage clothes and jewellery. It's something I've wanted to do for so long and there's no time like the present hey? I've started planning things and hopefully in the very near future you can shop Little Paper Swans too!
So here's hoping that 2014 is a great year and the wishes come true. Share your wishes below, I’d love to hear them and what you think of mine?