So I thought I should end my Mother's Day series, for this year, with a little thank you to my Mum. I'm not going to go all mushy on here but sometimes a little mush goes down well.
I can safely say I probably wouldn't have started this blog if my Mum hadn't of taught me how to cook. I can remember baking and making a massive mess in kitchen every Sunday. She also taught me how to appreciate the good things in life and most importantly she taught me how to throw a tea party/ buffet in style. No one can ever beat a buffet by my mum.
But she's also helped me through some of my darkest days and I don't think without her love and support I could have recovered the way I did. And she's right about endless cups of tea, they can almost cure anything!
So I thought that today would be the perfect day to say a massive thank you to my mum and share some hideous photos with you all. I hope you get a good laugh. I was a chubby kid!
She will be coming over for a big Sunday lunch and a few presents. I just can't wait!
To all of you Mum's out there. Happy Mother's day and I hope you get spoilt like you should!