I'm British. I'm going to talk about the weather. It's in our heritage. I have to.
The weather this weekend was just glorious and it was just the perfect end to week off. Which started gloomy both in the weather and in how I felt, stupid cold. We decided that with weather so lovely it could only mean one thing. BBQ. I'm not the biggest fan, well I wasn't but I was vegetarian before so I couldn't ever eat anything. This year I finally get it.
It also gave me an opportunity to get a bit more gardening done before hand. I tided the patio area up and moved things around as well as weeding. Oh how I hate those weeds.
Gathering everyone together was just lovely too. Nothing like spending time with family.
My Sister in law decided that it would be a good idea to bake Cronuts (a cross between a croissant and doughnut). Oh how right she was. She prepared the dough and then we fried them and iced them. They are delicious but give me a sugary doughnut from the seaside any day. Don't get me wrong they were tasty but I wouldn't cue up round the block like people do in London for them!
I'm back to work today. Boo. Monday blues or what!?
How did you spend your weekend? I hope you had the beautiful weather too.