Do you remember way back when, when I said that I wanted to paint my bedside tables and give them a bit of a makeover? It was a long time ago but a couple of weeks ago I finally got around to doing it and that inspired me to make my bedroom look pretty.
After searching eBay late one night (anyone else do this?) I found a heaborad with local pick up for just 99p. I decided to bid on it and a couple of days later I won it! We went to pick it up and it fitted perfectly (with a bit of help from the Mr. I then went back on eBay a bought the garland and a bunch of flowers to decorate our room with. They were so cheap and arrived in about 10 days from china. Which is great going.
Onto the bedside tables. I painted them in a white wood paint and then put the new knobs on which were kindly given to me by Trinca Ferro. They have so many different designs. I went for yellow patterned ones and I got clock faces for the Mr to make the room slightly manly. I am quite lucky as he doesn't care how things look which gives me free reign to design things how I want. How lucky is that? I also received two more knobs which I'm yet to use. I'm waiting for the perfect piece of furniture I think.
The laundry basket was a find in my sisters shed. The old owners left it and once the bugs had been brushed off and the basket cleaned up I gave it a lick of paint and it works perfectly to keeping the laundry in one place and fits into the design perfectly.
Now to move onto other rooms. I'm looking for a sideboard to paint for our middle room. Back to eBay to find another bargain.
Disclaimer: Although the knobs were given to me for my consideration, all opinions are my own!