Picnics in the park.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

blog, lifestyle, picnics, uk, suffolk, vlog, video, park, family

blog, lifestyle, picnics, uk, suffolk, vlog, video, park, family

blog, lifestyle, picnics, uk, suffolk, vlog, video, park, family

Yesterday we planned a picnic at the park and what we had planned to be a picnic for just a few of us turned into a big family affair which was great as both of our sisters have kids of similar ages so they could all play together while we sat and ate. 

It was such a lovely sunny day and it was really nice to spend time in the sun and outdoors. I always seem to be stuck at work on the nicest days. But so far on my week off I've been lucky. 

We packed up a picnic of homemade sausage, bean and cheese pasties, dips, carrots, apples, a few nibbles and then jelly and coconut and jam loaf cake which I'm blogging the recipe for.

blog, lifestyle, picnics, uk, suffolk, vlog, video, park, family

blog, lifestyle, picnics, uk, suffolk, vlog, video, park, family

blog, lifestyle, picnics, uk, suffolk, vlog, video, park, family

blog, lifestyle, picnics, uk, suffolk, vlog, video, park, family

We then wandered to the shop and grabbed a drink and an ice cream. It was such a lovely way to spend a day. We took a little video of the day which you can watch above. If would be wonderful if you could subscribe to my channel. I'm going to be making a whole lot of videos in the coming weeks so expect to see those soon.

We are off on another adventure today. I love summer and a week off!


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