[Blanket wrap: Primark. Top: Charity Shop. Boots: New Look. Jeans: New Look (ripped myself). Necklace: eBay]
This blanket wrap has been sitting in a box in the cupboard waiting. Just waiting. Waiting for this A/W it seems. Blanket scarves/wraps are one of our biggest sellers at work and I knew that I could dig this beauty back out of the cupboard. I bought it from Primark. It was reduced and it was one everyone went crazy for because Kate Moss was seen wearing it at a festival. I can remember I saw it out of the corner of my eye, on the sale rail. A lady picked it up and I silently pleaded that she would put it back down so I could rush over and snap it up. And that is exactly what I did!
My recent shopping? Non existent. I am really struggling. I tried lots of clothes on, on my lunch break yesterday and nothing felt right. I like to fall in love with clothes. If I don't love it and feel like I NEED it then I won't buy it. I won't make do. I've not been second hand shopping recently either so that is something on my to do list, in between working lots of hours (Weddings don't pay for themselves and we are booking ours today! Eeeeeek) I'm very much looking forward to my week off at the end of October. Time to write a list of things I need to do!
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