Top & Trousers - Charity Shop
Necklace - eBay
Shoes & Bracelets - New Look
Watch - Gift.
It's been a long time since I've posted any outfits on here and to be honest it's because I've not been wearing anything exciting enough to photograph. I wore this outfit a week or so ago when we went out for Chinese. I wanted something that was casual but still smart enough for dinner. I had the trousers already but in the morning I decided to nip into town to find black top that would work nicely with the print on the trousers. I was really lucky as the first shop I went into had this top sitting on sale rail for £1.30. I was chuffed. It was just what I wanted.
I bought these shoes a while ago as they are the nearest I'll get to Swedish Hasbeens for a while, I do love a clog style sandal. The necklace came from eBay for the bargain price of 99p. I usualy wear heavy statement necklaces but I wanted something that was delicate without being over the top or a bit naff. This fitted the bill perfectly and I've worn it since it arrived!
Last night we went out for dinner again (we've been very sociable recently!) and then off to a local wedding fayre. We are now stepping things up and we have a date in mind that's not too far in the future so it's time to get planning.
If you follow me on Pinterest you may have noticed a lot of my pins have been wedding related. If you fancy a look head over here!
I'm back at work today after 3 weeks off. It's been a crazy/stressful few weeks but it's also been lovely to spend time with my family. I'm looking forward to getting back to have something to do and start saving a lot of pennies for this wedding we are planning!
Happy Friday!
Love the pattern of the Dogtooth Trousers, the watch and necklace are also gogrgeous! H xx
Thank you very much! :)