[Baby] 18 Week Maternity Style.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

fashion, maternity, style, fbloggers, pbloggers, second, trimester, 18, weeks, pregnant, pregnancy, mama, baby, blog, blogger

fashion, maternity, style, fbloggers, pbloggers, second, trimester, 18, weeks, pregnant, pregnancy, mama, baby, blog, blogger

fashion, maternity, style, fbloggers, pbloggers, second, trimester, 18, weeks, pregnant, pregnancy, mama, baby, blog, blogger

All clothes - New Look

When you scour Pinterest as much as I do you have a board for everything, So recently I've been looking through maternity style looking for inspiration, it's full of beautiful big bumps but there's very little for second trimester. Now up until recently my belly looked like I've just had a big lunch, it's now starting to round and fill out and finding things that look nice is getting harder. 

I'm currently living in one pair of light blue jeggings. They're not maternity and I have to roll them down to my hips as I don't like anything too tight over my ever growing bump but they are a great transitional piece before you're ready to break out the maternity jeans (which I still haven't got yet!). Other than that I've been wearing a lot of leggings just because they are comfortable. In the summer I plan to wear maxi dresses and skirts and have bare legs so hopefully I won't have to wear leggings every single day! A lot of my mama friends have said you get sick of wearing them by the end of your pregnancy. 

As for tops I can't praise these long black vests enough. They are so versatile. Perfect with jeggings and great to wear with leggings as they cover your bum. I've been wearing this combination a lot for work. I just wear a nice top over the top of the vest. I also have a few over-sized shirts which have been handy although it does cover my stomach up and doesn't help with the looking like I've eaten a big lunch thing! I am planning to invest in more kimonos like the one above. So easy to thrown on over a top or dress and it looks like you've made much more of an effort than you have.

I'm on the look out for something to wear to the Chelsea Flower Show at the end of May. It's been somewhere my mum has wanted to go forever and this year we are finally doing it. So I've started the search for something to wear for that! Hopefully I can find something for then.

That's my current wardrobe essentials for the first half of the second trimester. I'll be sure to update you as I get bigger and find more things to wear especially as we go into the summer months.

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