[Baby] 24 Week Update

Sunday, May 31, 2015

baby, pregnancy, update, baby, 24, week, lbloggers, lifestyle, pbloggers, maternity

baby, pregnancy, update, baby, 24, week, lbloggers, lifestyle, pbloggers, maternity

baby, pregnancy, update, baby, 24, week, lbloggers, lifestyle, pbloggers, maternity

The last four weeks have probably been the best of my pregnancy so far. I thinking knowing that we've got a little girl in that ever growing bump of mine has just made everything seem more real. It's also been really exciting to start buying things. We held off until we knew the gender and once we knew for sure that everything is going to be ok. 

We've started work on her nursery. I've painted furniture and a few decorations. The carpet has been steam cleaned and the whole room has had a deep clean. We just need to move out the dressing table and sort through the last few bits and then that room is ready for a cot and all things baby girl. 

I only have just under 7 weeks left at work, which is crazy to think about. Finishing work is when the real countdown begins and I'll start to feel a little more stressed about getting everything ready. 

Her kicks and moving around have got really strong and between the hours of 9 and 10pm she has a little party kicking away, as well as during the day. I've noticed that her kicks are getting higher up which means she'll be under my ribs soon (which every mama tells you about!) Every single kick is amazing and sometimes I'll just sit there staring at her making my belly weird shapes. 

Next week also marks the beginning of lots of hospital/midwife appointments. They seem really spaced out for the first few months and then before you know your diary is filled with appointments. I'm hoping that next week we get to hear her heartbeat at our midwife appointment which is going to be amazing.

Here's to the next 4 weeks. I'm hoping they are as enjoyable as the last 4. 

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