I can't believe that we are over the half way point of my pregnancy already. That means we need to start getting things sorted and now we know that it's a little girl in there kicking away we can get her nursery sorted. At the moment that room is a bit of a dumping ground. It was my dressing room but things have just been dumped in there, including lots of clothes I still need to sort through. My plan is to get things tidy so we can start that nursery at the end of May on my week off. We want to steam clean the carpets and get everything sparkling clean before we start moving furniture in. We've been given a chest of drawers that needs painting and the rest of the furniture we need to buy or source.
I've always visioned a white nursery and as our house is rented we can't really paint anyway. But I do have some polka dot wall stickers I'd like to put up. The rest of the colour will be from furniture, toys, books and accessories. I am planning to make a few prints of my own and other accesories will be sourced from charity shops and carboots. I'm refusing to spend loads of money on things when we can make it look just as pretty on a budget.
I'm going to blog the makeover of the nursery, including some horrendous before pictures. We just need to get started on it now!