With the start of my holiday and maternity leave looming and the Mr's summer holidays, we've decided that over the 6 weeks in the summer (teacher's holidays are just cushy!) we are going to get serious about planning this wedding of ours as we're not sure how much time we will get once baby is here. We've got some of the big things in place and the venue and legal side of things are all sorted which is the most important thing. But we've still got the food, music, rings, the dress (which I can't do much about until after baby), decorations and the cake to fully sort out. Not to mention invitations and stationary that goes with it.
We always knew that we would do everything ourselves or with help from our family. That way we can make sure everything is the way we want it to be as well as cutting out a lot of unnecessary cost. We want the day to be a celebration of our love and not how flashy things look. We are lucky to have family and friends who can help us out and contribute anyway they can.
So our plans for the summer is to get everything in place and ready for February. It's such an exciting time and we can't wait to have everything sorted. Getting married is just going to top everything off for us and I can't wait to share the journey with you guys as well as having a permanent reminder of our plans, makes and the big day itself.
Follow our journey - #cathanddiontietheknot