Weekly Meal Plan #14

Monday, October 10, 2016

It's Monday! I'm not going to lie I do quite like a Monday. It's all about routine for us. A quick tidy round the house, off to baby group, come for dinner, more housework and then nap time and hopefully I get some time to do some work while Edith sleeps. 

Our days seem so busy at the moment but I guess that's what happens when you run a business, a collective and a blog. Things are rather busy but it means I get to stay "at home" with Edith which is always a win.

With our busy weeks in mind this weeks meals are either simple or slow cooker friendly. Oh my trusty slow cooker, you are so useful! Did you see my fudge recipe? I love that you can just chuck everything in, forget about it and come back to it hours later and meal appears. I swear it's some kind of magic! 

This weeks shop was Morrisons. I can't say I was that impressed with our Tesco shop last week. The dates were shocking and a quite a few of the vegetables went off before there best before. Happy I was not. So back to trusty Morrisons.

The food shop total was: £30.35. I've been slacking on my newsletters recently with being so busy but I'm going to try my hardest to get one out this week! 

Halloumi & spinach coucous tabbouleh.

Chicken carnitas, wraps and spicy rice.

Filo chicken and mushroom pie with roast potatoes.

Slow cooker cheesey beef goulash with veg.

Slow cooker potato gratin, battered fish and peas.

If you want to see any of the recipes for this week, head over to my meal planning Pinterest board.

What are you eating this week?
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