You might (or might not have) have noticed that I've been a bit absent this week on my blog, in linky's and social media. I woke up in the early hours of Monday morning with an awful pain in my boob. I then started shivering uncontrollably. Great I thought. I've got mastitis.
Once I woke up properly I knew it I had it. I felt like death. So much pain, I couldn't even see straight from dizziness and I felt I could sleep forever. A trip to the Dr's, some antibiotics and some care from my husband and the rest of the family later and I'm starting to feel better.
My husband (rightly so) banned me from blogging/editing/photography work until I was feeling better. I am a bit of a work-a-holic. He told me that if I worked in an office or shop I wouldn't be going in to work in that state so my laptop and desktop were off limits!
I may have snuck in an Instagram post, a few tweets and emails but who needs to know.
On Tuesday, my sister in law and niece came over to babysit, look after me. We are both avid coffee drinkers and the week doesn't feel right without at least one coffee shop stop. We decided that we would try and make our own version of one of Costa's Christmas drinks. I enjoyed my Honeycomb Latte so much when I had it and as I was in no fit state for a trip to Costa we decided to make our own.
A quick trip to the corner shop for supplies and a Dolce Gusto latte later, we had made it. It tasted pretty close to the original. We were pretty proud of our handy work. Me being me, had to take some photos, so I quickly gathered a few Christmas props and took these.
Honeycomb Latte
- Serves One -
1 cup of steaming hot latte (we used Dolce Gusto, but any latte would work well)
1 full-size Crunchie
squirty cream
- Crush the Crunchie into small pieces and place into your favourite cup, reserving a few for decoration.
- Pour over the hot latte and stir until the Crunchie pieces have melted.
- Squirt a good dollop of cream on top and top with the remaining Crunchie pieces.
- Drink immediately.
We are going to make a little series of Festive drinks. Next on our list is the Lindt Hot Chocolate or the Salted Caramel Cappuccino.
What's your favourite Christmas drink?