Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Wow what a year 2016 was. We got married! Which was just incredible. I quit my day job. Well I didn't go back after finishing my maternity leave and became self employed. Being self employed is both amazing and bloody scary all at the same time. But it's been a pretty good year for me personally.

I am very much looking forward to 2017 though. And I wouldn't be a blogger if I didn't promise to do ridiculous things for the new year. Well not ridiculous but things that I want to do.

1. Tackle Youtube. Properly this time.

I've tried a couple of times and I just can't seem to get the hang of it and feel really awkward but after Christmas I'm going to crack on and work on my channel! I would eventually love to become a Channel Mum "mum", a girl can dream!

2. Get more organised.

I used to be pretty organised then I had Edith and we got a bigger house that needs cleaning and I work from home and my husband can be pretty messy. I've got a lot of my plate and sometimes I feel really overwhelmed and stressed. I'm hoping that by getting more organised, using my diary more, scheduling time for things and just become more motivated. 

3. Visit more places.

I'm not talking about flying around the world. I'm talking about visiting places close to me that I've not been to before. I'm not interested in expensive days out. I'm talking a walk to see the seals on the beach and then stopping for a cup of tea. Or visiting seasides we've not been to before. It will be great fun for the family and also maybe a bit of motivation for filming videos.

4. Get a little bit of myself back.

This is quite a big one. I've given all of myself to Edith for the last 2 years. Being pregnant with her and then breastfeeding. I'm getting to the point where I want to stop feeding her and I want to be me again. Wearing pretty bras instead of hideous nursing bras, not worrying about if my top is feeding friendly. Also looking after myself. Invest in a decent skincare routine, actually dry my hair rather than leaving it to drip dry, getting my nails done once in a while. I feel like sometimes I'm at the bottom of the list and get left behind. I need to look after myself a bit better which means I'll feel happier in myself which can only be a good thing for Edith and my husband. 

5. Have more lazy days.

The past few months have been a huge rush. I want  to have at least one PJ day a month. Just relaxing and taking it easy. Spending time together as a family. 

6. Work really hard.

I want to achieve so much. With my photography business and with my blog. I want to invest more time into my blog. When I do I get great results when I let it slip so does interest in it. I need to put in more effort and get things done. All of this comes with organisation I suppose.

And that's it. Whether I can keep any of them, who knows. I hope I can.

What do you want to achieve next year?

All of the photos are from my Instagram which you can follow here!
You Baby Me Mummy
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