Weekly Meal Plan #23

Monday, December 12, 2016

Weekly Meal Plan Budget Family Friendly
Happy Meal Plan Monday! These weeks are coming around so quickly and there's only 2 weeks left of meal plans before Christmas. I'll be taking a break over Christmas and will be back in the New Year. 

We had another busy weekend (we can't wait for a quiet weekend this week) meals out and then finishing the Christmas shopping yesterday. Well almost. now to wrap it all. I'm hoping that my husband will do it. It pains me to say it but he's much better at it than I am and quicker too.

We've decided to have a healthier week, in preparation for Christmas. The meals are also pretty simple which is perfect as Edith rarely has an afternoon nap anymore so getting things done is pretty much impossible. That also means that newsletters will be a little hit and miss until I have time to write them but please do subscribe here.

This weeks shop was at Morrisons and it came to: £30.20. Only 20p over budget. 

This weeks meals are:

Chicken chow mein

Teriyaki chicken rice

Indian - spiced shepherds pie

Veggie fajita pasta

Slow cooker chilli (we didn't have it last week)

Don't forget that all of the recipes I have used for inspiration are right here.

What's on your menu this week?
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