Weekly Meal Plan #24

Monday, December 19, 2016

It's the last meal plan of 2016! There's been 24 weeks of meal plans this year and it's going to carry on next year too. I am also going to film my video over the Christmas period whilst my husband is off work. 

This week we had an extra meal as we had my mum and brother over for dinner. A couple of weeks ago my husband made amazing burgers and I need to share them with you so we thought we would invite family over as they are too good not to share. It was lovely and we'll be doing the same again next week but for CHRISTMAS! I'm so excited and I've almost got everything we need.

There's no meal plan for the next two weeks as meals will be hit and miss. I'll be back in  the new year, probably with some super healthy recipes probably because I'll feel so huge from all the eating over Christmas haha!

Our shop was at ASDA and food totaled £28.41. Not bad considering we had an extra meal too! It's great ended the year on target. So here's what we are eating this week:

Festive Burgers

Sausage & Veg Pasta

Jacket Potato & Cheese

Spinach, cream cheese & mozzarella quesadillas

Bacon & Mushroom Spaghetti

Chicken Curry

For more details on my meal plans and for our shopping list/receipt sign up to my newsletter here.

Also check out my meal plan pinterest ideas where you'll find inspiration behind my meal plans.

What are you eating this week?

Oh and Merry Christmas!

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