Weekly Meal Plan #26

Monday, January 16, 2017

Happy Birthday to me! Well not me but my blog. It's 5 years old today! I can't believe it. It's the thing (other than my husband) that I've stood by for the longest. I've got lots of posts coming up this week to celebrate but I had to have a meal plan post up today because it's not Monday without one.

Were having a thrifty week this week. Mainly because we have got quite a few things in the cupboard and freezer and I want to use them up before they go out of date. It's great as it means our shopping stays under budget and I can clear some cupboard space.

This week's meal inspiration as always is on my Pinterest Board which you can find here. And don't forget to sign up to my newsletter for extra meal saving tips and a copy of my receipt to show exactly what I spent. A massive thank you to those of you who have signed up already. You can catch up with back issues here.

As it's my blog birthday week, I thought I would share my first ever meal plan post. Enjoy! 

This week's shop was at Morrisons and we spent a total of £29.39 on food for the week. I did pick up some clothes for Edith too but I don't include those in the total. 

This weeks meals:

Serrano Ham & Mozzarella Salad (how very posh!)

Spinach, Bacon, Mac & Cheese

Peanut Noodles

Chicken and Mushroom Pasta 

Homemade Fish Cakes, Chips & Peas

What's on your menu this week?
My Petit Canard
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