[Food] Tomato & Garlic Butter Chicken Pasta

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

food, blog, blogger, simple, dinner, supper, tea, recipe, ideas, healthy, pasta, chicken, butter, tomato, garlic, cooking

food, blog, blogger, simple, dinner, supper, tea, recipe, ideas, healthy, pasta, chicken, butter, tomato, garlic, cooking

After my Meal Planning post you guys will know that I am an avid meal planner. I have been since we moved into this house (which can you believe is almost 3 years ago?). I do love it and I could meal plan for everyone. Finding recipes, adapting them to likes and dislikes and considering expense too. 

A couple of months ago I decided that I would like to write a meal planning book. I say book, I mean eBook as the chances of me actually producing a physical book is slim right now. My plan is to produce a eBook that contains a month worth of weekday meals, a few weekend treats and snacks thrown in for good measure. Hopefully if I can pull this off the eBook will be available this summer. 

This pasta recipe is one of the meals we ate last week. It's very low maintenance and really tasty. The combination of tomato and pasta is an obvious classic but adding the chicken, garlic and butter makes the dish that little bit special. I like to use simple ingredients that I know we will love. This recipe would be great to feed the family, you would just need to adjust the quantities. 

There would be nothing stopping you from using a different pasta. Use whatever you have in the cupboard and if you've got fresh herbs on your windowsill use those instead, if not stick with the dried herbs that you've probably got in your cupboard.

food, blog, blogger, simple, dinner, supper, tea, recipe, ideas, healthy, pasta, chicken, butter, tomato, garlic, cooking

food, blog, blogger, simple, dinner, supper, tea, recipe, ideas, healthy, pasta, chicken, butter, tomato, garlic, cooking

Tomato & Garlic Butter Chicken Pasta

- Serves 2 - 

420g Cherry Tomatoes

2 large garlic cloves or 3 smaller garlic cloves

a pinch of sea salt

a pinch of cracked black pepper

1 tsp dried basil

50g salted butter

2 chicken breasts (I used them from a whole chicken I roasted), cooked

150g tagliatelle 

1 tbsp olive oil

- Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan.

- Chop the cherry tomatoes in half and place in the pan.

- Crush and chop the garlic and put in with tomatoes.

- Add the salt, pepper and dried basil.

- Leave to simmer on a medium-low heat until the tomatoes are soft and squidgy. 

- Use a potato masher to squash any large pieces of tomato. You could also blend the tomatoes at this point to create a smooth sauce, return it back to the pan once blended.

- Add the butter and stir through until melted.

- Cook the pasta according to pack instructions. Place the cooked chicken breasts on top of the tomato sauce while the pasta is cooking.

- Once the pasta is cooked place into a serving bowl. Top with the tomato sauce and chicken breasts.
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