My week!

Friday, January 27, 2012

My week:
  • Saturday: Lazy day had a monster chinese! Felt soooo fat afterwards!
  • Sunday: Family day :)
  • Monday:  I spent the morning in Haddiscoe which is my location for my uni project. It was freeeeezing! So hot chocolate and toast was needed!
  • Tuesday: Had to have a blood test :( boooo! I hate needles. So brought some magazines to cheer me up and had a go at some nail art (it went horribly wrong!)
  • Wednesday: Feeling down and ill, my lovely mum brought me cupcakes to cheer me up! Yay!
  • Thursday: Spent the day sorting out my uni work, deciding what photographs to use.
  • Friday: I'm spending today doing more uni work! Then off to my boyfriends to be cooked a delicious tea! :)
That's my week. How was yours?  :)

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