top, skirt, tights - primark, necklace - new look, boots - peacocks
Total outfit price: £23.50
Decided to try something new by putting the total cost of my outfit. I thought this might show people that you don't have to have loads of money to look good! I am a massive cheap skate and getting something for cheap makes me reallyhappy. I know a lot of blogs offer high street fashion but it's often still to expensive for me to afford! Now don't get me wrong I love reading other peoples blogs (in fact I spent most of last night doing just that) but I want to offer something a bit different, what I call "real high street".
I might start offering fashion advice on a budget, what do you guys think?
On a different note tomorrow will be spent blogging (of course), making cupcakes and more importantly nailing down this uni work! My deadline is Friday! Arghhhhh!!!
However only 12 days till my birthday! Which means one thing! Shopping eeeeek :)
P.S I have painted my nails and used my new nail art stickers! I'll post about them tomorrow.