outfit post!

Monday, January 30, 2012

top, vest (worn underneath), jeans - primark, boots - peacocks, necklace - asda
Total outfit price: £25.50

Crazy busy with uni work. I'm going to try and print my final pictures tomorrow! Wish me luck. My shoes really boost my total outfit price! Ha. Maybe I'll walk around barefoot. I'm still searching for the perfect thing to wear for LFWEnd. The tickets arrived today and apparently I can go pick up a freebie from the Elizabeth Arden stall. Very excited! Not too long to go now.

I've been experimenting with hair bows! I made both seen in these photo's. Might start wearing them more.

If anyone knows any really good independent clothing brands or jewellery please get in touch. I'm looking for something girly, in season and something that's made with love. Let me know please!

On another note my blog is 2 weeks old! Yay! I'm really happy with how things are going and your comments really make it worth while! You guys make my day :)

OH AND PLEASE FOLLOW ME! (I plan to hold a giveaway at 50 followers and 100 followers! So what are you waiting for?)

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