outfit post!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

tee shirt, jeans, necklace - primark, scarf - gift, bracelet - (drunken remains!)

Total Outfit Price: £20.50

(I wore boots today so I have counted for them in the price, I'm just being lazy and not taking a full body shot, the neon glow in the dark bracelet is from last night! )

Today has been Mr Swan's 21st Birthday! So a massive happy birthday to him. We went to watch The Muppets Movie, which was great, really nostalgic, takes me back to being 4. We then had a takeaway to celebrate, followed by homemade double chocolate birthday cake made by Mama Swan.

Off to the Dr's early tomorrow morning! grrrrooooooaaaaannnn. Hopefully get to the bottom of this re-occurring illness. It does mean I miss the start of my new project :( rubbish. But should hopefully be able to catch up with that.

That's all for now!

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