
Monday, March 26, 2012

Top - Charity shop (Mama Swans), Jeans - Primark, Sunglasses - New Look, Head Scarf - Vintage, Shoes - Shoe Zone.

Total Outfit Price: £10.00

I tried out a action on Picasa called 1960's (hence the name of the post), not to sure if I like it or not. I'm looking around for some nice photoshop actions to make my outfit pictures look better! I am soo busy with uni work. Mama Swan and I went out earlier this morning so I could take some photographs for this project.

My outfit today is a bit blah! I really couldn't be bothered which is naughty I know but sometimes tiredness takes over. On the up side only a few days left till I get my 2 weeks off! yayayayayay. I expect I'll be posting quite a bit over that time, which is always nice.

I am hoping that we can break over 1,000 page views this month (it's been a little slow, but that's not ever going to stop me). I've decided that if I reach over a 1,000 page views by the end of March (Friday). I will hold a giveaway! (Expect cute jewellery and maybe Easter themed?? hmmmm)

That's about it for now! I'm off to fill out job applications and lust over befrassy.com!

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