I haven't photographed everything I brought as I am feeling majorly fat and bloated and taking pics of myself would make me cry! (HA) But here's a few of the things I got.
Me and Mama Swan went on a charity shop marathon. We visited pretty much every Charity shop in town! I had a specific idea of what I wanted so I didn't buy lots as I find it better when you limit yourself. Anyways . . . My favourite buy of the day is my super cute daisy cardigan. Daisy print is everywhere right now and when Mama Swan picked this up I wanted it instantly. Looking at the price tag (a whooping £3.30) :O ha! I had to have it. It's originally Miss Selfridge so would have been quite expensive new!
I also stuffed my bags with a polka dot dress (I rock a lot of polka dots(New Girl quote, oh yeah!)) for £1.99, a pink button up smock (very 60's) for 99p, a blue shirt and a porcelain print skirt!
I think my total spend was around £10 for everything! Mannn I love charity shops!
I will post proper photo's as soon as the weather sorts itself out! IWANTSUN!
P.S Thinking of postponing my giveaway, as I had no interest :( sad face! If you wanna enter click here!