Dull Monday's!

Monday, May 07, 2012

shirt - charity shop, skirt - peacocks, bag - craft fayre, necklace - new look, shoes - shoe zone

Total Outfit Price:  £15.59

Quick outfit post. I'm surprised that it hasn't rained yet! I'm off to see beauty and the beast 3d tonight and then off out for a meal. Then tomorrow I start my new job! Exciting!

Just a quick update on the L'orèal shampoo, my hair still needed washing after the same amount of time. Which I'm a little disappointed about. I wanted my hair to last longer  than normal. It is a good shampoo but it wasn't what I was expecting!

I also have a new foundation and concealer to review! I love both at the minute!

It would be amazing if you could vote for me in the Cosmo Blog Awards. I know I don't stand much of a chance but oh well! I'd be over the moon if you could give me a vote!

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