Summer Sunshine!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

tunic & leggings - George at ASDA, vest - new look shoes (not seen) - charity shop

Total Outfit Price: £14.49

Another beautiful day! Days like this I just want to wander and take photographs! If you follow me on instagram (your probably already sick of my posts!) you will have seen pictures from my walk today.

My May Glossybox has been dispatched so as soon as that arrives I will post! I am thinking a video post and maybe opening it on camera as it will be my first! I am a Glossybox virgin! haha.

Thank you for your kind messages from posts recently. I will get round to replying as soon as I can.

Wishing lots of sunshine for us all!

It would be amazing if you could vote for me in the Cosmo Blog Awards. I know I don't stand much of a chance but oh well! I'd be over the moon if you could give me a vote!

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