Ice Cream Sundae!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

dress, shoes** - New look, Leggings - Asda, necklace - Kukee

Total Outfit Price: £20.99

I picked this dress up on Tuesday! New Look are selling a lot of their summer dresses for £10 and you can even use student discount on top of that. It’s cheaper than I can get it normally with my staff discount! Such a bargain! And a super cute print too.

I ordered some things from ASOS so just waiting for those to arrive! I can’t wait I have ordered two really pretty dress and a cute printed shirt. But all will be revealed soon.

I’m off to work. Hope your having a good day!

P.S It’s the last few days of nominating for the Cosmo Blog Awards and I would love if you could nominate me! Just click on the link below. Thank you so much.

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