Polka dot polka dot polks dot jeans!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

top, jeans - new look, shoes - charity shop

Total Outfit Price: £16.48*
*My new look purchases were half price due to staff discount*

These are my favourite pair of jeans ever! Not to everyone's taste (your mad if you don't think there cute!), walking to work I had many a dirty look from people. To be honest they are not that bright and I have toned down my top half so whats the problem? The problem is where I live, people here don't really understand fashion! (Rant over!) Although at work today a lady tried on this exact outfit after admiring it on me! Haha.

I'm off work till Sunday! Yay! And off to Norwich on Saturday for pampering at L'Occitane and shopping, I can't wait.

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