
Friday, June 08, 2012

I am in deseperate need of some new accessories. I haven't updated my jewellery in ages and I am really craving new pieces. So I decided to take a look on ebay and see what I could find. And I was amazed by the value of some of the pieces. All the items I found were under £2.50 and all of them included free postage. Can't argue at that can you?

So here are my finds:

1. Envelope clutch - This comes in at a mere 99p and comes in an array of different colours. You could have one of each and it wouldn't break the bank. I think this are great little bags for a night out.

2. Love ring - I love this love ring (see what I did there?) and rings are something I don't have enough of so on my ebay search I came across this and it's something I want. There are so many rings on ebay for 99p (free postage too) so it's always worth a look if you want to update your accessories.

3. Quilted bag - Now I know these won't be to everyones taste but at 99p again I think it's great for a splach of colour to your outfit. I am really tempted by these bags. Not to sure what colour I would get though?

4. Spike necklace - I love this and somebody I work with had one very similar and I just think it looks really nice. £2.49! Again my necklace situation is bad. I need more necklaces to dress up my work outfits. I am going shopping soon so expect to see a lot of new jewellery!

5. Camera ring - I couldn't say no to this fabulous ring! Perfect for any photography student (hint hint) I really love this and again it would make a great little present for someone! 99p (yet again)

6. Cat/animal ears ring - how cute is this ring? I don't know which colour I like it best in? I have to have this ring! It's too cute!

So all in all if I brought everything on this list I would have spent a mere £7.44. Not bad value at all!

Will you be buying anything?

P.S If you follow me on twitter you will have seen that I have been selected to be a Witch Skincare Flawless Friend along with some other amazing bloggers! So expect to see lots of exciting things coming up with that.

P.P.S If you have a moment I'd be ever so grateful if you could nominate littlepaperswans for the newcomer award at the Cosmo Blog Awards! I know I don't stand much of a chance but it only takes a second!

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