Jumper & Jeans!

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Jumper - charity shop, jeans - primark, shoes - new look, necklace - george at asda, watch - gift

Total Outfit Price: £17.50

I picked up this cosy jumper yesterday after me and mama went on a bit of a charity shop spree and then had a mammoth hot chocolate (take a look at my instagram!). This was the only thing I brought. I find that is always the case with charity shopping you either get lots or nothing. I decided to wear it today as I'm feeling a bit under the weather and the talking of the weather! SUMMER WHERE YOU GONE?

The daisies are taking over my mum's garden! I want hot days again. Wearing dresses and cute skirts without the need to cardigans and hundreds of layers was lovely! Oh well.

Hope your having a good weekend!

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