Lovestruck Clothing!

Saturday, August 04, 2012

A few weeks ago I was sent a press release for Love Struck Clothing and loved the clothes! Up until today I completely forgot I hadn't posted about it already, but anyway here you go!

"Lovestruck is a flirty feminine clothing brand. It offers vintage style with a playful twist. From simple sophisticated dresses to flirty florals, the brand offers an eclectic mix of designs. Lovestruck was formed in 2009 with the aim to offer affordable boutique style clothing. Working in season Lovestruck is able to offer a fashion focused clothing range and is continually producing new designs throughout the season. With 17 years experience in retail Lovestruck has been formed with a strong understanding of its market and customer base. Lovestruck has stockists throughout the UK and Europe."

I love that all the clothes are super girly and I could see myself wearing all the clothes. I love anything girly and all of their collection is perfect for a hot summers day! Ok so we won't have many of those but we can dream!

I think my favourite piece is the Audrey shirt (bottom right). I'm going through a phase with shirts at the minute I just can't get enough of them and I love the print on this. It would look really nice in winter with a chunky knit cardi thrown over the top.

I've pretty much fallen in love with everything so head over to Lovestruck Clothing and take a look at all the girly clothes!

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