Baby I'm the wildest women!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Tunic - Clothing at Tesco
Leggings**, Boots**, Socks - New Look
Hat - H&M

Total Outfit Price: £38.46

I love this tunic from Tesco. I picked it up on Sunday along with a couple of other pieces. I really like their new collection so it's definitely worth taking a look, you can shop online too.

I'm feeling very autumnal and the red lipstick has made a welcome return to my make up collection.

I went for lunch with Mama and as we wandered back home we passed a couple of charity shops and I had to have a quick look. And to cut a long story short I left with two beautiful dresses. I'll intstagram those later so you can have a look.

The weather supposed to keep dry for a couple of days so expect outfit pictures to fill up your blog feed. I'll also be doing a #lbloggers post on my bed linen and homemade cushions as soon as the pillow cases turn up. (I'll tell you that story another day!)

Lots of love

P.S If you can tell me what song the lyrics "baby I'm the wildest women" comes from I'd love you forever, I keep hearing the song but I don't know who it's by. Help me out!

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