I love banana bread and as I'm feeling under the weather I decided to make a loaf to cheer myself up!
250g/8oz Butter
250g/8oz Granulated Sugar
250g/8oz Self Raising Flour
2 Level Teaspoons Baking Powder
4 Eggs
2 Medium Bananas
1. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4/180°C/350°F.
2. Line a loaf tin with baking parchment/greaseproof paper.
3. Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy in a mixing bowl.
4.Sieve half of the flour into the mixing bowl. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl and add half of the beaten egg mixture to the main bowl and mix together.
5.Add in the baking powder and the rest of the flour (make sure you sieve this too!). Add in the remaining egg.
6. Cut up the bananas into small pieces and mash together slightly. Add this banana to the main mixing bowl and mix well until all combined.
7. Pour the mixture into the lined loaf tin.
8. Place in the oven for 1¼ -1½ hours. Use a cake tester or cocktail stick to test if the cake is cooked right through.
9. Serve with butter and warm cup of tea! (Or it would be perfect with a dollop of thick cream)
Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you give this ago, I'd love to see your photographs!