Birthday Blog Cupcakes!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tomorrow marks my blog's first birthday! I can't believe that I've occupied this space on the Internet for that long. I'm also proud of the things I've achieved and I want to say a massive thank you to everyone that follows, supports and comments on my posts. I literally wouldn't be here without you.

Well now I've got the soppy stuff over, it's not a celebration without cake. So I came up with an idea, to create something a bit special. My rosewater and vanilla cupcakes. Here's the recipe for you guys:

150g butter, softened
150g caster sugar
175g self-raising flour
3 free range eggs
4 capfuls of vanilla extract
5 capfuls of rosewater essence
Few drops of pink food colouring

1. Line a 12 section bun tray with pretty cases and preheat the oven to 180ºC/Gas Mark 4.
2. Cream together the butter and sugar. I use an electric mixer as it makes the mixture smoother but it can be done by hand.
3. Sieve in some of the flour and crack in one egg and mix, continue doing this until all the ingredients are mixed together.
4. Add the vanilla extract and give the mixture another whisk (for luck)
5. Fill the cases half full with half of the vanilla mixture. You should be left with another half ,to
this add the rosewater and add the pink food colouring and set aside.
6. Put the cakes into the oven for 8 minutes. After 8 minutes take the cakes out of the oven and
 spoon the pink mixture over the top. Pop back into the oven for a further 12 minutes. The cakes should be
firm to touch.
7. Cool the cakes on a wire rack.
8. Decorate with buttercream frosting and sprinkles.

I hope that's not too confusing. Layering the mixtures up will mean you get the two tone effect in the picture above. You could always add the pink food colouring to all of the mixture and just make pretty pink cupcakes!

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