Faux fur and bobble hats!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Faux fur coat - Vintage
Jeans**, vest** - New Look
Peplum - Monki
Boots, hat - Primark

Total Outfit Price: £36.73

Wow what's happened to the weather. It was minus 7 last night and further inland it was down to minus 12. It's very cold in East Anglia at the minute. Which is bad for some people but is the perfect opportunity for me to get my camera out. Like I need an excuse.

I never know what to wear when it's so cold. I went really casual today as I really can't be bothered. I'm staying in and trying to get on with uni work. Oh the joy.

I'm probably going to post a recipe tomorrow (maybe I'm not promising) is there anything you'd like to see. Baking or cooking? Sweet or savoury? Healthy or fatty?

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