Nail art & snow ootd!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Last night I was invited to a local beauty salon to have my nails done!I love nail art and when it was suggested I leaped at the idea. I had Gellish polish applied which is dried by a UV lamp. Sarah, the lovely beautician spend ages making sure everything was perfect. She helped me pick designs and then carefully painted the patterns on freehand. The floral pattern is so cute!

If your local to my area definitely check out Millie Rose salon! I felt so relaxed and the salon is beautiful. In fact I'm going back to take some more photographs! I recommend the salon 100% and I plan to go back for more treatments.

Shirt**, vest**, leggings** - New Look
Scarf - Rokit
Wellies - Hunters* C/O Witchskincare

Total Outfit Price: £81.47 (Expensive wellies)

I could resist snow pictures!
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