Last week I was kindly sent some preserves to review. I am a massive preserve fan although I'm not keen on shop brought over sugary jam. This however is not over sugary mush. This is beautiful fruity jam.
The Artisan Kitchen was created by Sarah Churchill. The inspiration behind The Artisan Kitchen was a local Mirabelle plum tree that would shed its wonderful. golden yellow, shiny and fragrant fruit onto the pavement. Sarah approached the owner of the tree to see if he would swap his fruit for some preserves one batch of local jam later and The Artisan Kitchen was born.
I was sent two preserves blackcurrant, apple and lime and my favorite damson and raspberry. Both Mama and I tried the jams (mama is the ultimate jam lover!) and she preferred the tangy taste of the blackcurrant, apple and lime. I preferred the sweeter taste of the damson and raspberry, but both jams are delicious I would recommend these jams and they come in a wonderful little presentation box perfect for a gift!
The jams retail for £3.50 a jar, the jam I was sent was the Artisan Gift Pack which retails for £8.99. I was kindly sent the preserves for consideration, However this does not affect my opinion. These jams are beautiful.