Dress - Monki
Bag - Vintage
Shoes* - Kurt Geiger
Rings* - Raspberry grape
Earrings - Mama's
Total Outfit Price: £18.00
These past two days have been beautiful and for once I wasn't stuck inside work. I actually got to enjoy them. I can now understand why everyone loves Bank Holiday weekends!
So as the sun had come out it's time for my pasty pale legs to join it. I never tan on my legs no matter how hard I try.
Today we went to the street sale and carboot and I found a beautiful pitcher, a wooden sign and two Japanese bowls. I spent the grand total of £2.50. I'm so excited at buying home things, I've got three massive boxes full of homeware in my bedroom. I'm planning on buying some from Next too.
I mentioned yesterday that it would be amazing if you could nominate me for the Cosmo Blog Awards for best lifestyle blog. It doesn't take too long and it really means the world. I know a few of you have already so thank you if you have!!