China blue.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Top - charity shop, jeans - primark, scarf - c/o clothing at tesco, boots - new look

This is another top I picked up for fifty pence. I'm good aren't I? I think people have a misconception of charity shops, you can always find something good if you have a rummage but if that's really not for you my new shop will be perfect. (Good little plug there, I knew you'd like it!) It's launching on Friday and there will be a little blog post all about it. I'm so excited and it's something I've wanted to do for a long old time so I can't wait to share all.

Yesterday I spent the day with my mum and sister. We rarely spend time together just us three as will all work different hours. However with my sister's maternity leave kicking in and my mum having more time we managed to get to together. It was lovely, we did what we do best, charity shop and then went back to mum's for lunch. Can't beat lunch made by your mum can you? I managed to find a beautiful table cloth which will come in handy for my birthday tea party we are planning. It's something to look forward too and there will be lots of cake. Can't go wrong really.

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