Just a quick note to tell you that I now have my own domain, so no more dot blogspot. Just littlepaperswans.com. Anyway onto food!
When I'm not at work on the weekends we try to spend the time with our families, usually Dion's family on a Saturday and mine on a Sunday.
So yesterday we planned to make doughnuts. We found a recipe, bought ingredients has everything ready to go and then we re-read the recipe. We had to prove the dough twice. In the words of the lady from Russel Howard's Good News "ain't nobody got time for that". So instead we decided instead of sitting around waiting for the dough to rise we would try and find a recipe for no prove doughnuts. While my tablet was loading my sister in law had found a recipe so we set to work.
Such an easy recipe to follow and the results were amazing. This is definitely my go to recipe from here on in.
500g plain flour
250ml milk
75g caster sugar
75g butter
1 egg
1 tsp. baking powder
Sunflower oil to fry
Sieve the flour and baking powder together into a large bowl.
Add the butter and rub it into the flour with your fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs, then stir in the caster sugar.
Beat the egg into the milk, then make a well in the flour mixture and pour the milk mixture into it a bit at a time. You may not need to use all the dough.
Mix together to form a soft dough, then put into the fridge until ready to use. It can be used straight away. (We had a quick cuppa, and then got to work)
Roll the dough out to 1cm thick before cutting into the shapes of your choice. I used a rim of a glass and then a bottle lid to cut out the middle.
Fry the donuts in 180C oil for around 30 seconds, then turn them over and cook for another 30 seconds.
Remove from the fryer and drain on kitchen towel to remove excess oil.
Whilst still warm, roll in caster sugar. We had some in plain sugar and some in cinnamon sugar. I preferred the cinnamon sugar. Just add a sprinkling of cinnamon to the caster sugar.