Jeans & shoes - New Look
Top - H&M
Cardigan & necklace - Vintage
Why? Why does blogger kill photos? The top photo is so much better quality but no matter where I upload it, blogger kills it. Boo!
Today feels like spring. It's no where near as cold as it has been, and the sunshine is guaranteed to make me happy, I even heard the ice cream van! Although yesterday it wasn't the case. It was one of those days where you just wanted to go to sleep. My head was pounding, work was busy and all I wanted was my bed, so this morning's lay in was beautiful, even though it did mean missing the carboot.
I can't wait for a week off work. I've got the 8th to the 18th off, bliss. Although I've got a tea party to organise for my birthday. But my mum's going to be doing most of the work. Haha!
In my week off I'm planning a bit of DIY. This could go horribly wrong but after watching The Great Interior Design Challenge and pinning my life away I feel it's time to re-do the house follow me on Pinterest here!. I'm also hopefully going to be doing some photography work. I used to do a lot but gave it up when I was at uni. But now there is no excuse and it's something I adore doing.
I picked these jeans up in the sale. £22.99 to £7 can't argue at that and I had tried them on before and considered buying them. I paired it with a striped boob tube, vintage cardigan and my vintage shell necklace.
I hope the weather has been glorious where you are too!